
Miss my garden


Our new circus...

Old packaging box.





ps: ich hab hunger


Cool Cars Collection: Citroen ???

form .... colour .... details: LOVE!


Long time no see....

My sweetheart is a genius in seeing things. For example seeing faces in normal, daily objects and trash. Now i realize it became kind of an obsession to search for such "funny faces". Here is one of my favourites: Mr. Squarehead. He is stubborn, a little slow, but also relaxed. And he likes to drink a glass, or two....



H is for ................ Horse


Have a look at cosas minimas for a happy autumn feeling.

() () () () () () () () ()


I is for ......... ice cream

New at our house: pages from children´s alphabet books
We got this one and some more via presentandcorrect.

So the next day these little english lectures will be continued:)



Cool Cars Collection....

after a long break: a new cool cars collection post.
i LOOOOOOVE this Citroen AMI 8 .
the bold forms, the stylish silver details, the icy blue colour, the old fashioned ligths....


oh yes: great furniture at schubladen.de
its worth to have a look!!!


happy sunday!


miss s. sneaking @: S&B

Friends of ours have the most wonderful, inspirational house.
Full of graphics, colours, funny details and beautiful pieces.
I always enjoy being ther - and could sneak around for hours.
So some time ago i took my camera and made a few snap shots.

By the way: I fell in love with the AKELEI at their house.

* * * * * *



I like ART, too!

Looking at my posts and the photos i make i realized that i seem to be a nature freak.
apples, and flowers, and grass, and trees, and flowers again, and skies, and so on. which is funny, because i spend lots of time in front of online magazines, about fashion, and furniture, and design, and clothes. so: the whole blog shows a really funny part of me. which is a strong part, obviously .... but: a little nerdy and creepy and my be cheesy too.

so here is my solution: no more nature on this blog, but other stuff. (well, i do not think, i can make that promise true, because i did these nice fotos of the first mushrooms i saw this year.) but i wanna do a mix.

therefore: why not start with a photo i made at documenta two years ago. it looks like a kind of mountain to me. with hikers on it shotting the surrounding peaks!



good bye, summer!

last summer weekend in august
we stayed at a great, old barn in the east of holland together with friends.
cooked, sat in the garden, drank wine and read books out of the huge library, enjoyed the warmth of the tile stove, jumped the trampoline and laughted a lot....

the whole place is a small paradise. very bohemian and bloomsbury.
the best place to say goodbye to summer.


small treasures: kitchen garden

finally i installed our little kitchen garden.
it´s all about herbs at the moment.
fresh basil, rosemary, parsley, oregano, mint.
great to cook with, great to make tea off, great to eat just as topping on fresh bread.
and its loevly to have some green when looking out of the window.



Girls, Let´s SURF!

T. and me have been out bodysurfing nearly every evening.
Slowly the feeling is coming back.
Wanna see some girls real surfing?


This is where we do our ...


↑ living




A little sneak peak in our house. JUst to give a quick impression.

Planning to do some more - and more recent - photos.
And to try to improve the quality of the fotos. Any tips?
Leave them as a comment!



iT's aLL jUSt ...


Poster by

Buero Destruct, Bern


Auf Wiedersehen! Adieu!


Ich hab's immer gemocht, dieses Haus auf dem Parlament.
Hab mir vorgestellt, dass die Marsmaennchen das da drauf gesetzt haben.
Oder: dass es ein Kunstprojekt sein koennt! Leider....Es war einfach nur das Schutzhaus der Quadriga.

Na dann: Adieu!


Foto by lembagg.


Kennst du das?

Studio Beeke's Icon for Designhuis Eindhoven!
Nice website as well.


kurz und gut


der urlaub war kurz und gut.
und bis die fotos von meiner leihkamera heruntergeladen und selektiert sind,
gibts hier zur unterhaltung ein paar andere bilder.

heute einen record envelope von der



Pack - die - Badehose - ein ...

...nimm dein kleines schwesterlein
und dann fahrn wir raus 
zum wannsee.

lalalalalalalala la lalalalala
lalala la la la lala

Schöne Ferien!

(bis ende juli)


krank. grippe

schon zum dritten mal in diesem jahr.
nicht fair.
nicht schön.
nicht lustig.

und: meine kamera ist kaputt. 
deshalb: keine fotos.

kleine pause.

schniff schniff!



beim herumgraben in den letzten umzugskisten
wer lugt da auf einmal ums eck?

ein papierriese!

mit liebstem dank an tante m. fürs aufheben :)


 übrigens: jetzt sind ferien in holland.
raus mit der  "schlepphütte" heisst da die devise!
Beispiel für eine Schlepphütte gefällig?
>>>>>>HIER klicken!
(Zeichnung  vom Spielmobil Unterschleissheim)





andere länder, andere fernsehbären.
colargol: 60/70er jahre stop-motion.
leider nicht in österreich.
aber schon in holland, frankreich, polen, england, canada.





heisse tage
es riecht nach lindenblüten
und vom meer kommt kühler wind

vielleicht lust auf ein bisschen milk ?


Waiting for something?



Love the power, vitality and inspiration of this ART & DESIGN & PHOTOGRAPHY online magazine.
