
SneakPeak: COLONEL

This is a real "sneaky" SneakPeak: I lost the link to those photos.
Which is a pitty: I would love to knwo, where they have been taken.
Tips are welcome!

>>> Here we are: the photos are from this beautiful site: COLONEL

Sewing for the baby bed at the moment.
I will show you some pictures later this week!

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Summer is gone...

Summer is really gone by now. It is cold, windy, leafs are falling, one by one.
The air smells of chimneys and burnt soil.
And nights are falling early.

Der Sommer ist wirklich vorbei. Es ist kalt, windig, die Blätter fallen, eines nach dem anderen.
Die Luft riecht nach Kaminen und verbrannter Erde.
Und die Nächte brechen früh an.


Autumn Beach Walk


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For the nursery...Just have to find a good framing-solution.
Anny suggestions?

Fürs Babyzimmer...Müssen nur noch eine gute Rahmen-Lösung finden.
Gibt´s Vorschläge?

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<<: Brooklyn Diary

On my wishlist: Brooklyn Diary published by >lines&shapes<.
Reminds me of my time living in New York.
Even if it was hard then, it is great to remember now.

Auf meiner Wunschliste: Brooklyn Diary.
Erinnert mich an meine Lebens-Zeit in New York.
Auch wenn es damals nicht einfach war, ist es großartig sich daran zu erinnern.