
Sonntagsausflug: In die Dünen

dünen im sommer: sehr speziell. ein mix aus blumen, blüten, farben, geruchsschwaden, wind und meeresrauschen. was ich am liebsten mache: sand durch die finger laufen lassen, den möwen nachschauen,  kleine expedition in die gatschwüste.

und zum abschluss beim strandcafe im windschatten lesen. 







Cool Cars Collection 001: Gulia Super

The Netherlands are a paradise .... if you are - as I am - looking for old cars in really good shape. This is the start of my online "Cool Cars" Collection.
Nr. 1 is - what else! - an Italian: The wonderful *Alfa Romeo Gulia Super*, I spotted some streets from our house. A true
style on wheels beauty. I am sure, she drives as pretty as her name and  colour are!



Charles Harper

Last year - on vacation in Croatia -  I stumbled across a biology book at a flea market: with some of the best illustrations I had ever seen. Since that time I love the wonderful world by Charles Harper. He is doing the best birds ever.... and a lot more!! Read this article about him at Design Observer. (Click "Play Slideshow" in the article if you want to see some more of his illustrations). 



Poppy Day // Mohnblumentag

Last friday - before going to Vienna - I had a nice and adventurous day together with M66. Dedicated my favourite selfmade doll to her (making this doll out of poppies always reminds me of my grandma who showed me how to do!) After this we had a //lekker// lunch at one of my favourite Den Haag cafe´s: ´t Achterommetje



Surprise* Surprise*

Short Trip to Vienna! Zum Pol(s)terabend nach Wien.....



Lapsang, White Monkey and other t´s...

My favourite tea-room in Den Haag: Lapsang. We enjoy Lapsang and White Monkey, and leaf through a photo book about Picasso. Later this day they had a wedding there - what a lovely idea!



The Highlights of today: Chamomiles and Greetings from Austria

Und hier noch ein paar kurze Zeilen aus dem Poesiealbum, zum Mitnehmen für heute. Viel Vergnügen beim Lesen und natürlich: Geniessen;) ! DAG!

Hab Sonne im Herzen, 
ob´s stürmt oder schneit,
ob der Himmel voll Wolken,
die Erde voll Streit!
Hab Sonne im Herzen,
dann komme, was mag!
das leuchtet voll Licht dir
den dunkelsten Tag!



Im Fieber: Das runde Leder regiert....

Und überall nur eine Farbe: ORANGE!
(Fortsetzung folgt....)



Strange feelings: Heimweh....

Miss Strawberry´s Best Medicine when being homesick: Search for compensation. In whatever form!!!
Manchmal: dann will ich plötzlich (meine) Berge sehen! Und weil das nicht geht,  verschaff ich mir eben Ersatz....in unterschiedlichsten Formen und Größen...



Sonntagsausflug: In den Japanischen Garten

Sunday Trip to the Japanese Botanical Garden. What a treasure!!!(Therefore it is just open 6 weeks every year) All those special trees, plants, and stone things as lanterns, little houses, shrines....could have stayed for hours there, wandering around (which we did;)) 



Saturday Thrift Highlights

Did my usual *Saturday Thrift Shop Tour* today and made some lovely finds:

The sweet Gingham-Chicken is actually a "Eierwärmer"//Egg cosy - hihihi

Isn´t the shawl nice 70ies style?

I will definitly wear this special pearl necklace....
The other cuties are: a measuring rod, a roundabout, apuzzle-toy, two metal frames and the cute leather bag. HAPPY THRIFTER - me!



Le ballon rouge//Der Rote Ballon

In a few hours I will celebrate another of our traditional °Friday Cinema Nights° with my darling. And for this lovely (but cold) mid-june day we chose: °Le voyage du ballon rouge°. Actually the film is having a connection to a special, strange, decennia-old film called °Le ballon rouge° (F, 1956). I am sooooo curious about this new interpretation, already looking forward to sit there in my cinema chair........ and definitly reporting about my experiences tomorrow. All my dears out there: have a wonderful friday night! Talk to you all soon! 

*The photo above is from the 1956 film, I took it from my beloved StadtkinoWien page - brought into life by the two smart brains of  vonautomatisch 
(Meine Verehrung an die Herrn!!!)



North by Northwest.....

"Miss Strawberry´s Best Medicine" after intense working days: Prepare some tea (best: Kamille/Vanille/Honig), turn on nice lighting and hold a couchmeeting together with A. Hitchcock, C. Grant and friends......mmmmh, thats real relaxation! Good night - and good luck, my dears!* 

*Special thanks to CW for his kind support!



The highlight of my day.....is a mystery

Visiting an exhibition at the
Fotomuseum, The Hague, I came across this photograph: Taken in the 1970ies in former GDR, this little girl is obviously posing on her first school day. I love her dotted dress, the boy-ish hair cut and the small, painted SCHULTÜTE (this cardboard cornet that I and all the other first-graders /TAFELKLASSLER/ got and get for their first big day)... But what thrills me even most is the mysteriousness of it: why is she holding a picture frame into the camera?

(Anworten durchaus erwünscht!!)

By the way: the photos are out of the collection of the Dutch designer, publisher, exhibition maker Willem van Zoetendaal. I like the fact that people like him collect such sort of work..and make it possbile for people like me :) to enjoy those gems!



Puuuuuh, that´s work!

Still trying to get everything into my head here - with this blog stuff....sorry, but it will last some days. I need more practice! as with one of my favourite children games TEMPELHÜPFEN (i made the photo during my lunch break). now heading to bed. Slaap lekker!
